I am a mature student at the University of Cumbria studying in my final year for a degree in Wildlife & Media. If you can help me in any way with this project then please make contact, either by e-mail at dansencier@yahoo.co.uk or on 07731 758774.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Cumbria Wildlife Trust...

I used to work for a living but I've never been this busy before! Monday saw me down at the HQ of the Cumbria Wildlife Trust, where I filmed and interviewed Mike, their Juniper expert. 
I showed him some of the vast amount of research that I'd picked up along the way and told him about some of the wonderfully helpful people I'd met. He gave a great detailed account of the 'Uplands for Junipers' project and a real insight into what he hoped to achieve in the coming years. My focus was suddenly back on Juniper after talking non stop gunpowder mills for the past month.

My letter went in the 'Westy' this week, and I've had three more contacts that I need to follow up, including a gentleman called Bill who lives in Arnside, who I am about to call now…

… and yes, I'm meeting at 1pm on Tuesday next.

After that I really need to hibernate for a few months and go through all the stuff that I've gathered.
But before then, on the 6th December I am off up to Lingmoor Fell, above Little Langdale, to film and interview some of the people who volunteer to plant Junipers. The best thing in doing an outdoor degree is that you get to see some amazingly beautiful places, but on the down side you spend a lot of the time back in the attic room writing about it!

Here's a link to something I heard on BBC Radio Cumbria this morning, it's only a few minutes long but worth a listen. So many people are involved in these great projects, so please get in touch if you'd like to join in.

If you don't see a blog posting for a little while then don't worry, I'm still here, just editing a lot of film, photos, soundtracks and scripts.

Contact me by e-mail at dansencier@yahoo.co.uk or on 07731 758774 and it'll be a pleasure to talk to you.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

More interviews, more information…

I had the pleasure of meeting Alice last week, a retired history teacher. 
She allowed me to interview her on camera at her home in Appleby on 6th November, and had an amazing wealth of knowledge. 
She wrote her thesis back in the 70's on the 'Low Wood Gunpowder Mill', its inception and early growth, 1798 - 1808, and allowed me to borrow this. Another fantastic book that she was able to loan me was a Ph. D by Robert Vickers, doctor of philosophy at Lancaster  entitled 'The South Lakeland Gunpowder Manufacturing Industry, 1764 - 1936. It was given to her by Doctor Vickers as a token of gratitude for all the help that she had given him with the work. I felt honoured to be trusted with it. It was almost as if there was nothing she didn't know about the subject and I shall be making a few visits back to Alice before the project is over. Apparently the gunpowder trade was heavily linked to the slave trade as there was a fortune to be made in both. She also told me that if I started calling it 'Savin' then the locals would know what I meant because 'juniper' doesn't mean much in Westmorland.

On Wednesday the 7th, I headed over to the beautiful village of Sedgwick to meet David, another mine of information. His family had been involved in the trade locally for many generations. 

He also allowed me to interview him on camera, with a steady supply of freshly baked cakes and biscuits from his lovely wife. He told me the history behind Killington Lake, which had been man made to keep the supply of water going to several mills in drier seasons. He also drove me around to look over the gunpowder mill on the edge of Sedgwick, and as I stood there I could feel the history seeping in from the surrounding area.
We were standing in Pig Willy Lane and looked up to see a pig looking down at us from the slope in the woods. OK you didn't need to know that! David is passionate about the industry and has helped English Heritage in the past on a major project to catalogue this local history for future generations.

Having now completed several interviews and picked up a vast amount of information, I am coming to the conclusion that we mustn't overplay the use of 'Savin' in the charcoal production. Yes it was used in plenty, but not as heavily as other woods. It was coppiced every 12-15 years to keep a good supply coming, but Juniper was seen as a specialist wood in the making of fine gunpowder for the gentry. I don't get the impression that the cumbrian hills were swamped with this tree, but there was certainly a lot more of it around than there was before the gunpowder boys got to work.

I think I've spent enough time on the road so next week will be all about working on the information that I've gathered so far. The week after that it's over to interview Mike, the 'Savin' expert of the Cumbrian Wildlife Trust, and hopefully he can arrange for me to go out with the planters one day?

Then I need to find someone who makes charcoal and I'm still looking for someone who still uses gunpowder to either fire canons or small arms! Not a big ask, do you think??  

Saturday, 3 November 2012

A day well spent...

On Friday, I went to Ambleside to meet up with Ian, a really nice guy who had some very useful information and a good knowledge of what I was searching for. Thanks for a great day Ian and for being so helpful. As it turned out, we had much in common, mainly to do with beer; where I spent half my life selling the stuff, Ian spent much of his delivering it :-)

We were soon up at Nellie's house, a wonderful lady in her early 90's who shared many memories with us. She was just a teenager in 1934 when the gunpowder mill at Elterwater closed. 

It made my day when she let me hold the medal that was presented to her father for long service. Can you imagine working for 40 years in a gunpowder mill and making it through?

After that we went up to see Hugh, another nice chap in his 80's with a vast memory of local history. He also gave me plenty of information to follow up on.

On the return to Ambleside we called in at the Langdale Estate which now stands on the site of one of the old gunpowder mills. 
I was trying to see if they had any old documents or deeds from way back. Christine in reception was very helpful and promised to pass my contact details on to the owners, but she also gave us another very good idea to follow up on.

Next week sounds as if it will be just as fruitful, with interviews in Sedgwick and Appleby, where I'm really looking forward to meeting up with David and Alice.

Let's finish today with a view of the back of that amazing medal…